The credit score determines financial health. It states to the lenders how responsible you are to manage the credit. This means that when you have a better score, you can easily qualify for the loan and get a lower interest rate. However, if you have made a default on the payment, your credit score will […]
Monthly Archives: September 2021
Usually, people get frustrated and worried when they realize that their credit score has gone down, and not for nothing. This is not a good feeling, rather it is a matter of great concern, since having a good credit score is the open door to the world of finance, future business and obtaining any service. […]
A charge-off is a devastating thing that can happen to the credit. First, it indicates a payment issue. This is a type of derogatory credit report listing that results from missing payments on a debt for some time between 120 days to 180 days. After this period, the lender closes the report and considers it […]
It would be impossible not to have heard before about the myths and speculations about credit, credit scores, credit history, among others. And, believe it or not, many people believe these myths, which is unfortunate for them, since the only one affected turns out to be their credit. Let’s forget for a moment about these […]
When talking about credit score, people easily get stressed and although it sounds very good, not everyone has a good credit. The credit score is a topic of much controversy and concern, as it is one of the most common ways for people to get ahead financially when building a business or getting some kind […]
As we have mentioned in other posts, an authorized user implies that a family member, someone you know and trust, adds you to their credit card account. If this is the case, you become an authorized user, but you have no responsibility to pay the card charges that come to the primary account holder, and […]
Becoming an authorized user can also help you when it comes to credit utilization – what good would it do otherwise? 30% of your FICO scores are based largely on how you manage the balance-to-limit ratio on your credit card accounts. An authorized user account will be factored into your revolving utilization ratio once it […]
Before we learn how an authorized user builds credit, let’s look at what an authorized user is. While it is true that having good credit is everyone’s dream, building good credit is not something that happens overnight, on the contrary, it takes investment, time and patience. Now, let’s get down to the details. When someone […]
It’s no secret that when you talk about credit, you expect it to be good. It’s the dream of every person who finds themselves in the midst of debt, loans and bad credit scores. But the truth is that these financial mistakes often happen because a large number of people are unaware of the importance […]
Credit cardholders blame credit cards for having a poor credit score and getting more debt. But this is not true as the debt cycle, and low credit scores result from poor financial discipline. It is the cardholder who is to be blamed here. You must know a credit card is an effective tool in boosting […]