An authorized user is a person who has permission to use another person’s credit and, therefore, to make purchases and charge them to the credit card of the person who has granted him/her this right. However, you should know that as an authorized user you are not responsible for the payments charged to the card. […]
Monthly Archives: August 2021
Given how difficult it is to maintain a good credit score, people can now use alternative ways to get a good credit score to get the financial help they need. By making use of CPN tradeline packages, one can receive a great boost in a short period of time. But it is essential to make […]
Have you ever heard that information is power? And if you want to get control of your credit score, the first thing you should start doing is to know what it is and how to manage it. 1. The first thing you should do is get a copy of your credit statement to see how […]
1. Keep all your bills paid on time, don’t be late because this is one of the many mistakes that can affect your credit. 2. Check your credit history information frequently, since it is very common that we overlook it and forget about it until the time we really need it and that is when […]