An unfavorable credit history is when credit card or loan payments are missed and recorded on your credit report. Your unfavorable credit history can also lead to bankruptcy. If you have an unfavorable credit history, this may indicate to lenders or companies that you are not responsible or have poor creditworthiness and should not be […]
Category Archives: Authorized User Tradelines
Learn that a credit score is a three-digit number, usually on a scale of 300 to 850, that estimates how likely you are to repay borrowed money and pay bills. See below for more detailed information. Credit scores are calculated from information in your credit accounts. That data is compiled by credit reporting agencies. The […]
When we talk about building credit, the wait can be really desperate, because we want to see results as soon as possible and having an affected credit or no credit at all, does not open many doors, at least, none that is of high benefits for you. Since to obtain any type of loan or […]
Some credit card issuers may give you the option of opening a joint credit card. The key difference between being an authorized user and being a joint account holder is that you have more liability as a joint account holder than the authorized user himself. With a joint account, you are legally responsible for paying […]
Becoming an authorized user on someone else’s credit card account is one of the best strategies for improving credit quickly. But, the best way for it to work and which is recommended is for the primary user’s card to have a good history of on-time payments and a high credit limit. If you are one […]
You may have read about authorized users before and possibly endless information about it, but you’ve probably come up short and haven’t fully discovered the benefits of not only being an authorized user, but also adding someone as one. Before we go any deeper, know that an authorized user is a person who has been […]
Credit scoring or credit rating is the analysis of an individual’s credit history, used to determine a person’s credit worthiness. Businesses use credit scoring models to make lending and pricing decisions, market to new customers, maintain existing accounts, and even predict cash flow and revenue. Credit scoring plays a role in whether you qualify for […]
Most likely in our previous posts you have found information related or similar to this one, but we keep bringing and updating content so that you as our reader can find out everything related to your credit, tradeline and authorized users. Below you will find very detailed information about authorized user. Adding an authorized user […]
The credit score determines financial health. It states to the lenders how responsible you are to manage the credit. This means that when you have a better score, you can easily qualify for the loan and get a lower interest rate. However, if you have made a default on the payment, your credit score will […]
Usually, people get frustrated and worried when they realize that their credit score has gone down, and not for nothing. This is not a good feeling, rather it is a matter of great concern, since having a good credit score is the open door to the world of finance, future business and obtaining any service. […]